What 2020 has taught me about 2021 (and beyond)

Gillian Damborg
2 min readJan 7, 2021


2020 was the most memorable year of my life, as it was for so many. It was wrought with the highest highs and the lowest lows—including giving birth to our first child during the second week of the COVID-19 lockdown and my husband losing his job. These extremes have highlighted elements that impact our communities and lives that can no longer be ignored. I wanted to write down what I’m standing up for and striving for in 2021, saying them out loud so that I am accountable to myself and others. You won’t see any declarations of dieting or extreme exercise (I do this well enough and screw you capitalism). Instead, here are the things I will fight for in 2021 (and beyond):

I will put my family and friends first (jobs come and go, but it’s the people I love that matter most).

I will find, practice and express joy as an act of resistance, daily (no matter how small).

I will not be bullied, belittled or gaslit, especially at work (by anyone, but here’s looking at you men).

I will ask for what I deserve, even when it feels like too much (it’s not, that’s the patriarchy talking).

I will fight for my team to have support for mental and physical health, and reset my expectations for this to come first.

I will set boundaries with family, friends and colleagues so that I can protect my energy for when it is needed most (let the little things go, fight for the big things).

I will hire women and people from our QTBIPOC communities for any and all work opportunities or referrals, whenever possible.

I will contribute what money I can to help others in need (3% of my annual income in 2021).

I will continue to educate myself on the historical and current state of racism, sexism, ableism, smashing gender norms and bringing truer inclusivity to everything I do (knowing it is not, and I am not perfect).

I will be ok with making mistakes and acknowledging when I am wrong.

I will be vulnerable with myself so I can grow spiritually.

I will be grateful for what I have, while fighting for what I want.

What are you fighting for in 2021?



Gillian Damborg

I’m a Creative Director living in Vancouver, BC. I specialize in brand development, creative strategy and graphic design. www.gilliandamborg.com